Thrift Store Haul #1: Julian Barnes's amazing book

I attribute my growing book collection to thrift stores, if not for book sales, bargains and warehouse raids, I think, I wouldn't be able to procure hundreds of books. Buying books, especially when their price is slashed in half! I recently was reminded of that exhilarating feeling of finding a great book in the bargain bin and I realized, it would be nice if I share the experience to everyone from hereon.

Awesome! This gem is a clear proof that amazing things happen right at the moment you're about to give up. I was about to leave Booksale when I saw this book lying just on top of big HBs, as if it was waiting for me to purchase it. I wanted to shout, cry, jump even but I tried to contain all my happy emotions and did one of the most awkward things I proudly do whenever things like this happen to me - I hugged the book so tight, caressed it, and then hugged it again. I noticed some death stares, alright, but I couldn't care less, at that point, I told myself, these guys are lucky I actually managed to keep it all together, my friends saw me go berserk over a book find and it's not a pleasant thing to witness, and so, that's why I try to keep it... down low. Okay, so going back, I walked to the counter and flashed an evil grin before I paid for this. I'm so weird but whatever, I am so damn happy as well. The best things is, I bought it for only P80. That's less than $2!!!


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